Tabletop Pyramid Heater – How to Use It to Heat Up Space

tabletop pyramid heater

Tabletop Pyramid Heater – How to Use It to Heat Up Space

For those who are well familiar with how things work in the kitchen, you’ll find this idea of a tabletop pyramid heater is a no-brainer. The concept is simple – heat up smaller containers and turn them into larger ones by increasing the surface area.

I don’t have to tell you that a garden variety steam heater can do wonders when it comes to making your cooking a whole lot easier. So why not take advantage of the same concept in the home?

Think about this: you have a bigger pan and want to use it as a saute pan or some other pan. You’ll probably find a large container for your dinner entree or a bowl for the vegetables. Maybe you want to use it as a frying pan, so you’ll use smaller containers.

What if you had enough extra space in your kitchen to put another large cooking pot? This would be the tabletop pyramid heater that we’re talking about here.

Now, before you go and grab a pack of high quality stove pipes and heaters, you should have a materials checklist. Of course, it would also help if you owned a portable heating source. Not everyone has one of these!

A few other ideas could be a windmill, a solar generator or even a small solar power generator, depending on how much money you are willing to spend. All of these choices will help you heat up a lot more space.

For a long time, there was a debate about the usefulness of gas or electricity versus a more versatile energy source like solar power or windmills. Some people still believe that it’s better to be green.